Ms. Marvel’s Bad Story a Disservice to the Character

Lucinda Gunnin
4 min readAug 4, 2022

Did Racists Somehow Write a Disney+ Show?

Last week, my husband and I finished the six episodes that Disney+ used to introduce Kamala Khan and Ms. Marvel. I wanted to love it. I like the character and I thought Disney + was going to use it as a step toward inclusivity.

I was wrong.

Let’s start with the things that they did right.

The show is fun. The visuals of Kamala’s texts are a fun addition and the show is beautiful. I am not from there, but I think it captures the atmosphere of Jersey City well.

I loved the main characters. I thought Kamala’s relationship with her parents and her brother were accurate reflections of a teenager and her family, especially a teenage girl looking for a bit more freedom. I thought the interactions between Kamala and her peers were generally a good representation of how teenagers treat the odd girl who loves comics and nerdy things.

The actors were well cast and did an excellent job.

I cannot say if the portrayals of the Muslim faith were accurate, but Kamala and her friends reminded me of my friends in church in high school. We wanted to be faithful and yet change the way people were treated within the organization. Plus it was also sometimes a PIA commitment.

The portrayal of Pakistan while Kamala visited there was eye-opening and in contrast with the images we often see on the news, so that was great. Showing…



Lucinda Gunnin

Lucinda Gunnin is a commercial property manager and author in the suburbs of Philadelphia. She’s a news junky, sushi addict, and geek extraordinaire.